Gentlemen, let’s mix. I think I’ve already talked about it, but these days I like to revisit it. The styling you find in men’s fashion magazines usually gives ideas for basic or classic outfits: hardly ever – especially the italian magazines – they suggest a mix of fabrics, colors and shapes that abroad (not everywhere, to be clear), instead, where different ethnicities and customs cohexist in harmony, are a rule. So that when we fly to London or New York, Paris or New Orleans, we think: “Look at that, how certain clothes suits them well”. Influences from non-western countries have such charme and personality that – if properly matched – can revive even the most normal suit. Try that. Despite every conformism.
Back to reality. Objective beauty exists, indeed, even in fashion photography. Quality and beauty live despite of the clothes: a look can be average or can be too much, but if the picture that depicts it is beautiful, the value of that image will remain untouched during the years. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to explain why today we still appreciate the pictures of the great photographers of the past. Wind of change is blowing, encouraging a photographic realism inspired by the masters and, as like as in many other fields, fashion notices the change and often anticipates it.