Alessandro Calascibetta has been active in fashion since the late 80s. He started off his career at L'Uomo Vogue, after that with Mondo Uomo. Afterward, he became Fashion Director at Harper's Bazaar Uomo, and in 2000 founded Uomo which he directed until 2003. Following that, he started collaborating with Rizzoli. Since january 2015 he is the Editor in Chief of Style Magazine, and still remains as Man Fashion Director for Io Donna and Sette.
Una serie di ritratti di Giovanni Gastel ad alcuni esponenti dell’industria della moda italiana. Le foto risalgono ad un paio di anni fa: mettere insieme tutti questi big non fu cosa da poco, ma è stato un lavoro di grande soddisfazione e per questo, oggi voglio riproporli a chi – magari – li aveva persi.
A series of portraits of some italian fashion industry’s leading figures, by Giovanni Gastel. These pictures date back to a couple of years ago: putting together all these “Bigs” wasn’t a pin point, but was really satisfying; this is the reason why today I want to propose them again to whom – maybe – missed them.
Il corso d’ opera dei concept stores è in continuo mutamento. In Italia solo Carla Sozzani fu così lungimirante da aprire, 11 anni orsono, “10 Corso Como”, creando un clima del tutto inedito in tempi non sospetti. In seguito lo spazio per la vendita di abbigliamento concepito come interazione tra moda e design è stato ripreso da altri, tra i quali spiccano Piombo e Paul Smith. In quest’ ottica evolutiva, Officina Slowear, in collaborazione con Carlo Donati, si contraddistingue per uno stile caldo e polifunzionale. Donati si è liberamente ispirato alle linee di design di Jean Prouvé e ha usato stampe wallpaper dal gusto più seventies.
Concept stores are changing constantly. In Italy, forward-looking Franca Sozzani has been the first deciding to open “10 Corso Como” eleven years ago, creating an exciting and original mood. After that, the idea of retail shop conceived as an interaction between fashion and design has been carried on by others, like Piombo and Paul Smith. Officine Slowear in collaboration with Carlo Donati, in particular, is distinguishing itself with a warm and multifunctional style. Donati has been inspired by Jean Prouvé’s design, using wallpaper prints that reminds you of the 70s.