nara camicie


This column is about men’s fashion and style and it’s dedicated to male readers but at the end of the day it’s still part of Io Donna, the most popular Italian women’s magazine so, just for this time, I’ll be talking to the Ladies. Women have so many different sides to their personalities, that’s what makes them feel attracted to different kind of men. Who is your fatal attraction? Some men are dangerously prone to vice or vice versa some others are virtuous and committed to work and family. Some are incredibly vain, some deeply shy. Some men like to play sports and some are homebodies. Some of us are artistically ambitious and some others would prefer to be dissolved in acid rather than go to an art exhibition. Then we have the beautiful ones (which are far from being impossible) but they are often a bit dumb or those who are physically less attractive but intellectually gifted. Did I forget anyone? Let me know, we are here. In the picture Jim Morrison, from the volume “Bad Boys” published by Logos.



“Stormbringer” is the funkiest Deep Purple’s album. It came out at the end of 1974 in full “austerity” period, reaching a breaking point with hard rock: the homonym single was as danceable as “Smoke on the Water” from the older album “Made in Japan ” but more soul. The visual impact of the illustration on the cover was suggesting a stormy scenario (although the title was exhaustive enough) and a statement of intent throught the use of colors, mainly purple, yellow and orange. Such cover desearves to be included among the strongest in history of discography, it represent contemporary anxiety in its very own way addressing several analogies with a certain kind of fashion aesthetic which is currently in style for men’s clothing. In the picture the cover of “Stormbringer” by Deep Purple.



Ho sempre amato la camicia “guru”. L’ho messa tanto negli anni del liceo (fine anni 70) quando, a modo suo, era anche simbolo di rottura con la tradizione. A Milano, andavano a ruba al mercato di Senigallia, dove si trovavano col colletto già scucito: a differenza di oggi le camicie guru erano, infatti, originariamente  munite di colletto. Non vedo francamente limiti di età per indossarne una, anzi: a questo proposito ho un bellissimo ricordo di uno strepitoso e ormai già anziano Sterling Hayden nel film “Novecento“.

Photo and styling by Alessandro Calascibetta, model Marius Hordijk (Ag. Fashion, Milano), Hair by Maurizio Lucchese. Location Masseria San Domenico, Savelletri di Fasano (Brindisi).

Camicia in cotone con collo a contrasto, Gucci

Camicia in cotone, Nara Camicie

Camicia in cotone e seta con profilo a contrasto, Paul Smith

Camicia in cotone con plastron, Coast + Weber + Ahaus. In tutte le foto, pantaloni in seersucker Giorgio Armani

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