Alessandro Calascibetta has been active in fashion since the late 80s. He started off his career at L'Uomo Vogue, after that with Mondo Uomo. Afterward, he became Fashion Director at Harper's Bazaar Uomo, and in 2000 founded Uomo which he directed until 2003. Following that, he started collaborating with Rizzoli. Since january 2015 he is the Editor in Chief of Style Magazine, and still remains as Man Fashion Director for Io Donna and Sette.
michael woolley
Bellissima la moda di questo servizio. Uno dei miei abbinamenti di colore preferiti: rosso intenso e la nuance più calda del cammello, in questo scatto riletti da Dior Homme, Caruso e Lanvin e fotografati da Michael Woolley. Il soggetto è l’attore francesce Nicolas Berthery.
Beautiful the fashion of this editorial. One of my favorite color combinations: deep red and warmer shades of camel, with pieces by Dior Homme, Lanvin and Caruso, photographed by Michael Woolley. The guy is a french actor, Nicolas Berthery.
Il servizio era ispirato a Carla Accardi e alle sue opere. Questa foto in particolare, si riferiva ad un ritratto fotografico dell’artista, nel quale era stata immortalata – in bianco e nero – con una scia luminosa realizzata con una luce al neon. Lo scatto è di Michael Woolley, la giacca di Etro e la cravatta in maglia di Hermès. The fashion shooting was inspired by Carla Accardi and her works. This picture, referred to a portrait of the artist which was immortalized – black and white – with a trail of light made with a neon. This shot is by Michael Woolley, Etro jacket and knitted tie Hermès.
It’s certainly not a secret anymore how fashion is being influenced by music and viceversa and I can’t really tell how did this all start. It is fascinating though how this two apparently far from each other worlds can cohabit, expecially when the spacetime distances are very large. In a fashion shooting contest, this kind of chemistry can bring outstanding results, like for the picture I chose this week, which has been published in 2006. Unbeknown to me, Michael Woolley demanded a “Kiss inspired” makeup, even if the styling was definitely not 70s. However, once I got on set I knew it would have worked. Stroke of genius or result of the deep cultural background of professionals that have been in the field for such long time. To be brave enough and radically change a concept at the last minute and to be able to see the good in a flash of genius, is part of the job. Is this unpredictable (and a bit misterious), side of it that makes it wonderful.
Le preview delle tendenze per l’autunno inverno 2008/09 dimostrano che il colore era già nell’aria. Il servizio fu realizzato a Londra, da Michael Woolley: il tema era il verde in tutte le sue declinazioni. Il caban era di Rykiel Homme.
The preview of the trends for fall winter 2008/09 show that the color was already in the air. The editorial was shooted in London by Michael Woolley, the theme was green in all its forms. Caban by Rykiel Homme.