Alessandro Calascibetta has been active in fashion since the late 80s. He started off his career at L'Uomo Vogue, after that with Mondo Uomo. Afterward, he became Fashion Director at Harper's Bazaar Uomo, and in 2000 founded Uomo which he directed until 2003. Following that, he started collaborating with Rizzoli. Since january 2015 he is the Editor in Chief of Style Magazine, and still remains as Man Fashion Director for Io Donna and Sette.
Gender free trend. This week’s picture represents the origin of a kind of menstyle that, during the years, has changed its definitions but, actually, has remained the same since the 60s/70s, the same years of this picture of a young Van Dyke Parks, musician, singer and author, known mainly for his collaboration with the Beach Boys. Then, at the beginning of the new century, the “artist” (or “intellectual”) became a “nerd”. Today they are called new millenial, the avantgarde standard bearer of the “gender”. This picture, by Guy Webster, could be an adv campaign of Gucci or Prada: two opposite worlds that find a common point in representing a man that – against the rules- escapes from tradition to reveal himself in all his determination and, why not, his vulnerability.
MAX 2011
Formal elegance in informal mood. The Gucci patterned tuxedo reinterpreted in this picture by Marco Falcetta with styling by Carlo Ortenzi.
Do you like this gender? Gender – No Gender. Nothing to do with transvestism, transsexuality nor homosexuality. Is good to distinguish the social-cultural and scientific side from the fashion one. In the second case, gender is a term (sometimes used improperly) that describes a kind of style that mixes harmoniously masculine elements with feminine ones. The line between the two sexes becomes finer. One of the main trends of contemporary apparel, maybe thanks also to the physical similarities of today’s teenagers (boys are thinner with long hair and girls have their hair cut short and wear gladly men’s blazers, T-shirts and jeans, like in the Seventies), accompanies and enhances a phenomenon attributable to males’ desire of showing their fragility and females’ desire of imposing their strenght. There’s nothing wrong like there’s nothing right, there’s not to be proud nor disgusted. As in all things, everybody has the right to choose.
Un accenno alla tradizione – il tartan di lana -, un elemento stravagante e insieme prezioso – gli inserti di pelle di serpente ayers metallizzati, rossi sulla scarpa sinistra e verdi sulla destra -, l’esaltazione del logo – la doppia G in ottone che svetta sulla chiusura -, il tutto su un modello semplice e casual. Le sneakers di Gucci per questa stagione sono una sintesi dei capisaldi stilistici di Alessandro Michele, che le rendono subito l’accessorio iconico, da avere. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.
An allusion to tradition