


Classic, always. A summer, many years ago, my mother – who was close to her eighties – was invited for dinner by a couple. One of them showed up at the restaurant with combat boots, ripped jeans and tank top; as I recall he wore around his wrist a nice series of studded black leather bracelets. The day after my mother, who was very open minded but there’s a line, with her quiet tone of voice told me that she had found a little inappropriate inviting an elderly lady and showing up dressed like Tom of Finland (this is mine, it goes without saying that mum didn’t know the character by Touko Laaksonen). She stuck to the most classic of the classics: “In the end, what does it take? I didn’t expect the jacket: a nice white shirt with dark trousers and you never go wrong”. Maybe even mum knew that in addition to not making you look bad ever, a simple white shirt with a barely starched collar can be even sexy.



Feminine Masculine. Feminine/Masculine, Masculine/Feminine. Magazines have talked about this for years, fashion and show biz have represented it for decades. Art for centuries. The most discussed and bickered Sanremo Music Festival of the century bet a lot on the character/artist Achille Lauro: his look and his musical touch (the fact that he mantained the feminine version singing the cover of Mia Martini didn’t go unnoticed) entered the houses provoking dizzy spells on one side and jubilation on the other. If a message needs to be perceived and felt, it has to be screamed. The exploit of the Roman rapper won’t change the popular mind. Good job, anyway: it was a good message of change; we’ve really entered the era of the years to come. Like it or not, let’s take note. We’ve to metabolize the change or we’ll bound to get old prematurely.



Zaino, Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci s/s 2016

Blu, azzurro e nero sono i colori dello show s/s 2016 dell’uomo disegnato da Riccardo Tisci per Givenchy. Gli stessi colori si ritrovano sullo zaino-feticcio, ispirato ai modelli da escursionismo ma realizzato in pelle stampata, con il dettaglio schicchissimo del logo impresso in oro. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.

Blue, light blue and black

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Slip-on, O.X.S., Givenchy e Pantofola d’Oro, s/s 2016

Vuoi per comodità e praticità, le slip-on sono tra le calzature più gettonate per l’estate a venire. Per la loro semplicità e per la superficie della tomaia piuttosto estesa, si prestano molto bene alla più svariata serie di decori e lavorazioni. Così O.X.S. si affida per una capsule collection al talento del tatuatore Alle Tattoo, riproducendo i suoi disegni originali con una particolare tecnica di stampa per sublimazione; Givenchy (by Riccardo Tisci) rivisita i tipici motivi stilizzati degli antichi tappeti persiani virandoli su tinte fluo nella sua già gettonatissima stampa “Aqua Carpet”; mentre Pantofola d’Oro si dimostra sicuramente più sobria mantenendo comunque un alto livello d’effetto, con la sua lavorazione ad intreccio su tutta la superficie. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.

Maybe for their comfort and practicality, 

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Borsa in pelle, Givenchy f/w 2015

Dopo le stampe romantico/gotiche a fiori della p/e, Givenchy (designer Riccardo Tisci) vira all’etnico: la collezione f/w si tinge di colori violenti e di cupi contrasti, rubando i pattern ai tessuti e ricami degli Indiani d’America. Gli accessori s’impongono come padroni del look, dalle stringate con punta arrotondata alla borsa rigida da weekend. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.

After the romantic/gothic prints

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