The funny interpretation of the new classic trends by Claudio Santamaria, here wearing a Caruso total look. Ph. Rankin, Styling Alessandro Calascibetta.
The funny interpretation of the new classic trends by Claudio Santamaria, here wearing a Caruso total look. Ph. Rankin, Styling Alessandro Calascibetta.
Work in progress. -Style is also interpretation, expression of identity and personality. And fashion is desire of new, of “not seen yet”, maybe funny. A kind of game that, if played with intelligence, makes the daily routine of getting dressed more enjoyable-. Words by Giorgio Re, expert in history of fashion and writer of the column “Ieri & Oggi” (Yesterday & Today), very appreciated appointment on Style Magazine, that talks to those interested in this subject. But not only. Some suggestions are useful for everyone. Among the macro-trends there’s a hidden trend, not so showy. The author is Tomas Maier, that celebrates the 50 years of Bottega Veneta and 15 years as its creative director with this collection. The s/s 2017 explores the 30s and the 40s, concentrating on the worksuits used in those years. And he matches them with clothes printed with geometrical patterns with optical or camouflage effect. The wide volumes don’t leave doubts: this is a style for few.
Card cases, Caruso, s/s 2017.
Ribattezzate “Essential (for Essential things)”, le bustine portacarte di Caruso (designer: Sergio Colantuoni) sono caratterizzate, sul lato superiore, da ricami, applicazioni crochet, impunture, a seconda del caso. E presentano una seconda, furbissima funzione: spuntare come un’originale pochette preformata dal taschino della giacca. Ce n’è per tutti i gusti: per il globetrotter, il romantico, lo youngster, il nerd. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.
Called “Essential (for essential things)”, … Continua a leggere →
The opulent but at the same time measured elegance by Caruso enhanced in this b/w picture by Giovanni Squatriti. Styling by Carlo Ortenzi, model Tommy Marr.
Gender free trend. This week’s picture represents the origin of a kind of menstyle that, during the years, has changed its definitions but, actually, has remained the same since the 60s/70s, the same years of this picture of a young Van Dyke Parks, musician, singer and author, known mainly for his collaboration with the Beach Boys. Then, at the beginning of the new century, the “artist” (or “intellectual”) became a “nerd”. Today they are called new millenial, the avantgarde standard bearer of the “gender”. This picture, by Guy Webster, could be an adv campaign of Gucci or Prada: two opposite worlds that find a common point in representing a man that – against the rules- escapes from tradition to reveal himself in all his determination and, why not, his vulnerability.
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