Archivio di ottobre, 2017



Stivaletti, Jimmy Choo, f/w 2017.

Dal 1996, anno della sua nascita, il brand Jimmy Choo è entrato a pieno titolo nell’empireo delle icone per i shoes-addicted: da sempre emblema della scarpa fashion ma di carattere, di lusso ma un po’ irriverente. Uno dei modelli di punta dell’ a/i maschile è uno stivaletto affusolato che incarna l’ispirazione di stagione, ovvero un rock ingentilito, con dettagli grintosi come il cinturino che avvolge la caviglia. Nella versione più “convinta” ci viene proposto in cavallino maculato, timidi astenersi. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl. 

From 1996, year of birth, Jimmy Choo with full right has been considered one of the icon brands for shoes-addicted: symbol of the fashionable shoe but with attitude, luxurious but a little irreverent. One of the most important styles for this f/w is a sleek ankle boot that embodies this season’s inspiration of refined rock, with the metal ring that wraps the ankle. In the most “committed” version, the upper is finished in leopard-print pony hair. Shy guys abstain. Edited by Angelica Pianarosa, Ph. Michele Gastl.




This shooting drew ispiration from a stylish and nostalgic Cortina in the 30s. Actually this picture looks very up-to-date, a play on shapes, fabrics and genders. Ph. Michael Woolley, Styling Alessandro Calascibetta.




The Good Taste. There are rules to be respected, and mainly some basic behaviours to be considered in order to be defined as “good taste person”.  The Galateo of Monsignor Della Casa has been written almost five centuries ago, and there is no need to review the key points, because the rules of good taste have been handed down from one generation to another. Today there’s a kind of intellectual creativity – only for very few people- that makes the flaws and the “intentional oversights” an added value. But this is valid only for clothing. We can’t excape from kindness, elegance of speaking and good manners. Standing up to shake the hand of a woman even if she’s young, don’t kiss on the hand if outside, taking off the sunglasses while talking with anyone. Well, we can forgive a smiling and kind person if he/she is not properly dressed, but if the attire is elegant, much better. And of you are worried of making mistakes, don’t add details and details trying to look like a dandy from old times. Simple is better.



Felpa, 10×10 An Italian Theory, f/w 2017.

Il brand “10×10 An Italian Theory” nasce dalla fantasia di Alessandro Enriquez come omaggio sentito e allegramente chiassoso all’italianità, sotto tutti i suoi aspetti. Dai cliché di pasta-pizza-mandolino, a rimandi più ironici su vizi e virtù degli italiani, tutto viene riletto e restituito in grafiche dai colori sgargianti. A proposito di ironia, la collezione f/w uomo e donna celebra, e allo stesso tempo prende un po’ in giro, la mania nostrana dei casting e della celebrità più o meno spicciola, che si traduce in una stampa caleidoscopica su felpe e giubbini. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl. 
The brand “10×10 An Italian Theory”
has been created by the imagination of Alessandro Enriquez, as a heart-felt and merrily showy homage to italianity in all its aspects. From the clichés of pasta-pizza-mandolino, to more ironic references to vices and virtues of italians, everything is reinterpreted and returned in colorful graphics. Talking about irony, the men and women f/w collection celebrates, and at the same time mocks a little, our mania of castings and celebrity, that is translated into a kaleidoscopic print on sweatshirts and jackets. Edited by Angelica Pianarosa, Ph. Michele Gastl.