A shooting/dossier dedicated to the Native Americans and to the personalities that supported their redemption. A faithful and absolutely evocative fashion. Ph. Giovanni Gastel, styling Alessandro Calascibetta.
A shooting/dossier dedicated to the Native Americans and to the personalities that supported their redemption. A faithful and absolutely evocative fashion. Ph. Giovanni Gastel, styling Alessandro Calascibetta.
The bridge dedicated to PPP. Ariola is a district of Gerocarne, in the province of Vibo Valentia, in Calabria, with 500 inhabitants in 1960. That year, a certain writer and director that made history arrived thereabouts: Pier Paolo Pasolini. He started the research for the location of “The Gospel according to St. Matthew”, 4 years before the first action. At that time, Ariola could be reached only with a mule track: Pasolini promised to contribute to the building of a bridge, in order to make the life of the inhabitants easier (today they’re around two hundred). The bridge was built and the director kept in touch with a family living there through letters: that, unfortunately, were lost during the emigrations in the following years. In that small town there are four workshops of ceramists that, probably, wouldn’t have existed without that bridge. 57 years later- maybe a little too late- in march, the bridge was dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Bomber, MSGM, s/s 2017.
Il filo conduttore della collezione p/e di MSGM è una condensazione dell’energia dei primi anni ’90, resa attraverso una serie di citazioni più o meno visibili e rielaborate: da riproduzioni fotografiche delle foto dei ravers di Massimo Vitali, alle stampe ispirate a video dei Beastie Boys e dei Pet Shop Boys, alla riproposta di capi iconici di quegli anni, come jeans candeggiati, felpe, e bomber in nylon (foto), purchè ravvivati da inserti in colori vitaminici. Perchè, come ha affermato il designer Massimo Giorgetti nel backstage dello show, “È un momento di pura energia, dovete sentirvi euforici, come appena usciti da un rave”. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.
The leitmotiv of the MSGM s/s collection … Continua a leggere →
Exaggerate, be old fashioned or cutting edge. A little funny and never ordinary. And don’t follow the rules. This is the lesson, “non-lesson”, about elegance by a very bored writer. The subheading of this shooting, shot by Alistair Taylor-Young, dedicated to Dandy Style, decoded in “The Dandy Dictionary” written by Giuseppe Scaraffia. Styling Alessandro Calascibetta.