The 1900s school. Art in fashion, again? Yes. And the 1900s is the focus. Especially the Bauhaus, founded in 1919 in Weimar by the architect Walter Gropius, that influenced the trends of innovation in design and architecture linked to Functionalism and Rationalism; the art of Rodchenko, its colours and its geometric motifs; and, then, the cuts of Lucio Fontana. Little by little, like in an expedition, we come to more recent times, the Italian 1900s of Ettore Sottsass, the Memphis Group operational in Milan between 1981 and 1987. At the end, if fashion could be considered as a form of art, there’s also who quotes it: the pop/landscape by Castelbajac. These clothes are a little example of how much creativity and how many ideas arise from designers’ inspiration in such a complicated era for economy and fashion business. Take a look around and you will discover many examples of “art” also in the fashion world. The architect Walter Gropius (in the middle) with his team.
An autumn full of checks. … Continua a leggere →
Doctor Bag DSquared2 f/w 2014/15
Una delle caratteristiche dominanti nelle collezioni firmate Dean e Dan Caten, è quella di saper recuperare temi, stili, accessori classici e sconvolgerne le proporzioni, i colori e i materiali in un’operazione un po’ dissacrante di puro divertimento. La Doctor Bag, un grande classico della pelletteria, diventa superfashion con la finitura lucida della pelle e l’inserto in lana check a colori squillanti. A cura di Angelica Pianarosa, Foto Michele Gastl.
One of the main features … Continua a leggere →